Cafe Grit

Cafe Grit 058 I Love Mondays

• Beth Anne Campbell • Episode 58

🤬 MONDAY, UGH! I hate Mondays! I don't! I LOVE MONDAYS! 🤗

In the latest episode of the Cafe Grit podcast, I talk about my Monday blues and how the beginning of the work week has gone from zero to hero.

Some of you out there are getting sick to your stomach just hearing the "M" word. 🤮

That was me too, not long ago ago.

 Sunday afternoon was when the physical symptoms of chronic stress would start.

↳ The stomach would tighten.

↳ I would get nauseated thinking about work.

↳ I had difficulty staying asleep throughout the night.

↳ I woke up with a sore jaw from clenching my teeth.

Every night I journaled about the job I wanted and tried to visualize a time when I no longer feared Mondays. What would that even feel like?

I could barely imagine. I had been fearing Mondays for over a decade of my 23 years working in corporate and consulting. 

Check out the podcast to hear how I went from Monday Blues to Monday Magic!


Welcome to cafe grit. My name is Beth Ann Campbell and I am the author of where the hell is my bacon, a book about a corporate team that triumphed over shitty leadership with the help of fried pork. I opened Cafe grid is a place where you can join me in figuring out how to channel your grid and find your voice in the world, whatever that means for you. This is the place to go when you've got that hankering for purpose, a taste for fulfillment, and you're tired of living the rat race. Thanks for stopping in Cafe grit is now open for service. We everybody, welcome to cafe grit. I'm your host, Beth Ian Campbell, this is the place to go when you've got a hankering for purpose, a taste for fulfillment and you're tired of living the rat race. I'm no longer in the rat race. So I'm super excited about that the evolution of better things Campbell could be you. I should write songs for a living. I did, I did write a song. I have a little song out there on Instagram that I did for my little dog. It's called. I'm a retriever. And it's very cute, this cute little song. Anyway, I'm not here to talk about songs, although I could all day long. And then some just music is just wonderful. I was listening to some 80s music on the one of the classic MTV channels over the weekend. So that was that was fun. It's amazing, some of those old videos when you watch them. And when we were living them, it was state of the art, we just thought oh my god, and then the next one would come out and it was better. And just now you look at them, and they just the quality just seems so it just they seem very, very old and vintage. Anyway, um, I'm going to talk today about how I love Mondays again, it has been a minute since I have loved Monday since I've looked forward to a Monday, I can't even remember. The last time it's been probably 15 years. There was a time when I really really enjoyed my work. When I first started out in my career in technology, I was a coder didn't like that didn't make me look forward to Mondays at all. But I soon got out of programming and into projects, technical leads systems analysis, business analysis, playing every role in projects. And for over a decade, I loved it. I wasn't going to leave this company that I had started with I loved my work, I found great fulfillment, and it probably was creating a monster because I was one of those people. And kind of still am a very responsive. And I've talked about this before with people, if you're out there, if you're a young person, or you know a young person who is one of those spreadsheet people or those people that respond very quickly and they get shit done, that's great. But that over time will create an expectation that becomes overwhelming and leads to chronic stress in many cases, so, but I was that person and before it actually hit. It was wonderful. And by the way, speaking of chronic stress, I have a future episode coming up. We're going to tape it in a few days with my good friend Mike Gaghan, who you may remember from the creativity episode a couple episodes ago. So really looking forward to that. But anyway, so I used to love Mondays, I used to look forward to going to work, it was great. It was never going to leave never going to change jobs. And then things change, right. So there was a lot of factors that I really am not going to get into that too today. But at some point, you stop looking forward to going to work. And I and that was for me too, because work became overwhelming for many reasons, many of which I will talk about in my episode with Mike Gagan. But suffice it to say, if the chronic stress kicks in, it's overwhelming. You're doing too much work. You're I was struggling with the same things that a lot of you probably who have been in the corporate world struggle with management processes not being heard. You know, all kinds of things. So, without even knowing it, without even being aware, all of a sudden you make this evolution this transition from I love my job. It's great. I'm feeling really good to getting pangs of stress, not balls in your stomach on a Sunday afternoon. And that's what happened with me. I would find myself dreading going to work. Especially when in the last few years and I think it changes right the reasons why you dread going to work change but it was still there and I can certainly say In the last six months of my most recent job, the one I was made redundant at. I was walking around on eggshells with management. There was fear, I was trying to, you know, figure out what was going on. So I could address it if there was something I was doing. And it was most definitely a case of the Sunday afternoon, not in the stomach, sometimes a headache, just that feeling of dread. Whenever I would think about that, that tomorrow's a workday. And then of course, once the workday comes, and it hits then it's every night, it's every it's Oh, another and then and then you start looking forward to the weekend. So you get about halfway done and you go, okay, Wednesday's over only two more days to the weekend, you live for the weekend. And that was totally me. And there are many, many, many people that live this life of, and I'm not talking about oh, my, I don't like love my job. Amazingly, I'm talking about like, Dread, I'm talking about where you are physically, physiologically, feeling having symptoms of, of stress, because tomorrow's a Monday, or because you have to work or Tomorrow's Tuesday or whatever. But um, but now, and this is something again, I'm not I wasn't seeking to think about this, it just popped in one day when it was the weekend, and the weekends are great. I enjoy I have more time to spend with my husband and the dog and we do things and they're great. But then I found myself on Sunday, thinking, Oh, tomorrow was Monday, in a really positive way that I had not, I don't even know, when I first started my career. When I looked when I really did love my job. If I were really consciously thinking about how much I looked forward to Mondays, I was you know, it was young, it was a whippersnapper, probably not is wise and aware as I am in my glory years. But I just I can't even remember a time when I was so so looked forward to a Monday. And I do now and it's it's kind of a weird sensation. I kind of don't know what to do with it. And it's not like I'm, you know, going out there and you know, changing the world, I guess in little bit pieces by piece by piece. But I'm doing what I love. And I'm happy. I'm letting myself be happy. And it's kind of a vicious circle, again, related to chronic work stress, which I'll get into in more detail in a future episode. But it all plays in to why I'm happy now. Do I absolutely. love getting up at the crack of dawn and writing in my novel for National Novel Writing Month. No, I love writing. But it's also it is work, right. And there are the things that I'm doing during the day. That although they're not a traditional corporate or consulting job, but it is work. And I can't say that there aren't moments where during the day I think you know, I just really don't want to do this but I have to be a little disciplined. It doesn't matter but it's a wholly different. It is wholly different than being under the shackles of corporate where I felt unheard, unappreciated unvalued. And at times was overwhelmed with just you know, the amount of work, all kinds of things. So I love Mondays again, and I'm really excited about it. I look forward to Mondays. As much as or more than I look forward to the weekends. I no longer live for the weekends I kind of live for Monday has because I really just love what I'm doing. And I hope I can sustain it and figure out maybe how to make some money at it. But until then, I'm just enjoying being happy and embracing the start of the workweek again. So if you're out there listening and you're thinking to yourself, I don't look forward to Mondays, I don't look forward to the workweek I get a ball of stress in my stomach or wherever it manifests your shoulders, headaches, whatever. It's time, it's time to think about why. And I get it's it's so easy for me to say because there are people out there that you know they don't have the luxury of having a husband who works where they can just become redundant and not have to immediately go into a panic. Some of you do some of you are in positions in situations where it is difficult but I challenge you if it is that bad, figure out something different. Now you may or may not be in a position like me where you can sort of semi retire or be looking for you know, something more fulfilling and have that luxury. But that that ball of that ball have knots in your stomach will just continue to grow. And it will wreak havoc on your health and your mental health as well as physical. So I do challenge you to figure out how to make it better. Don't feel like you have to tolerate or put up with bullshit bullying, horrible management, walking on eggshells, having triple and quadruple overlapping meetings, you don't have to do that there is something else out there for you. And if you can get away from if you can overcome the fear as I didn't, I did not overcome the fear. I had the fear. And that's why I stayed as long as I did even knowing and being aware that it was wreaking havoc on my health. Because I was bound by the golden shackles, the golden handcuffs. And I really thought if I don't bring in income, this kind of income, then what does it mean for our lifestyle. And honestly, it didn't mean a lot for our lifestyle. It was once I was able to be the universe came in and said, You're not listening to yourself, you're not listening to your own visualization and manifestation, we're gonna do it for you. So you're going to be out of this horrible job, or at least a job with horrible management. And once I was was pushed over through that fear, I realized it was not bad at all. And in fact, I'm continually daily surprised at how happy I am. Do I have bad moments? Absolutely. It's not great. Like I said, sometimes I really have to push myself to do what I need to do just to get through the day. But I'm no longer like 85% of feeling like like shit, and maybe 5% happy and 10% sort of just tolerant. Now, I'm 85% happy and maybe I have 15% of days where it's just you know, what if for whatever reason, I just as as normal people do, but I no longer dread, or have that horrible feeling of Mondays anymore. So, again, challenge you, those of you who are out there, if you are not happy where you're at whatever it is, whether it's your job, or your relationship or where you live, whatever it is, I challenge you to, to find ways to move through that to change because change is hard, but it's what you need to do. And if I can help in that, reach out, please do. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. This is a fairly quick one today, but I just wanted to talk about it because I do feel really excited about the workweek again, and that's not happened for a long time. So reach out to me, I'm on LinkedIn Bethan Campbell, I'm on Instagram, Facebook threads, the been 67 and then YouTube, the bean. That's where you can find all of the video versions of this podcast. So if you're out on YouTube, please give me some love. Like Subscribe, and maybe a throw a comment or two. I so appreciate it. And I appreciate you. Because you know why? Because you're fucking badass. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Take it easy. Hey, everybody, thank you for stopping by Cafe grid, where the Moxie is fresh, the passion cold brewed and everything is served with a heaping side of mojo. For more Cafe grid episodes, please check out Beth Ann grid. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider giving it a rating or review on YouTube Buzzsprout or your favorite streaming platform. I'll be forever grateful and in return, I wish upon you copious amounts of bacon, your favorite hot beverage and of course pi. I'd love to connect and hear about your great experiences as well. Please go to Beth For links to all my social media. Cafe grid is a product of Bethan Campbell, LLC. All rights reserved. Thanks again and remember, you are a badass. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Take it easy.