Cafe Grit
Cafe Grit
Cafe Grit 067 Mindset and Moving Forward
The biggest obstacle for me not achieving my goals, not fulfilling my dreams, not taking the next step in my career desires...is me.
I have been falling into complacency, blaming everything under the sun for my lack of progress, and generally feeling afraid to take a chance.
I have been putting out an energy that is indifferent, afraid, self-critical...and it has been coming right back to me.
Recently I completed a week-long masterclass that was all about business mindset (DM me for info, I am glad to share).
I had a big WHOA moment on day 1. By Day 3 of 5, I was brainstorming a career coaching business. By the end of the week, I believed I could accomplish ANYTHING!
So I am jumping into it! I have no formal plan, no fancy masterclass website, just an attitude of "I can do this!"
If you think it and believe it...you can have it, do it, be it!